Sunday, October 17, 2010

CLUTCH Premiere

So it's almost 2 weeks removed from the premiere of a new piece for 2 sopranos and 9 players at our first CLUTCH New Music Series and I think it's far enough away from the performance for me to make a relatively solid opinion: I think I liked it.

I'll have a youtube video of the piece up eventually, both here and on the website.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Jac's Surprise Party

Was a huge success. She had no idea that it was happening (especially since it was 2 weeks after her actual birthday). Many, many thanks to everyone who helped out, especially June and Bonnie for keeping her distracted and away from the house and Emily, Cari, and Jody for all the prep before the party.

A video of the actual surprise to come soon...