Friday, May 22, 2015

A day in the life...

Someone asked me what is it that I do all day, since I never seem to have the time to do anything outside of a pretty tight schedule. I've started to ponder this even more because of how exhausted I seem to be at the end of each day. So, I thought I'd record what I did yesterday, Thursday, May 21, 2015. Here we go.

6:35am wake up and help get Charlie ready for school

8:15am Charlie to school

Picardy work -- lots to catch up on.
Kickstarter updates
Sound clips edited
Contracts update
Website work
Product catch-up

Lunch and travel to ASW
I know I shouldn't, but I always eat a sandwich on my drive to work.

Finish Superstition Parts

Teaching at Austin Soundwaves

Austin Soundwaves faculty meeting

Picardy Meeting and Dinner at La Mancha (YUM)

One-on-one comp "lesson" with Cassie
Mostly reviewing details for her commission with SYS-CMW 2015

Receipts recording (boring)
Organizing content
Reading from Ben Horowitz' book, "The Hard Thing About Hard Things".


Friday, May 15, 2015

Austin Soundwaves in Houston!

I know it's not the most important thing in the world, but I was so incredibly proud of how well my students (both band and orchestra) did at the Space City Music Director's Choice competition in Houston.

Mostly I was proud of how well they handled themselves and the fine representation of Austin Soundwaves in front of people they've never met in a venue they've never before performed.