One of the places that I applied for a job rejected me outright back in December...but to *make absolute sure* that I knew that I was no longer considered for the position, they sent me this via email about a week ago (to protect the innocent, the name of said school has been blotted out):

The letter seems straightforward and boring enough, so what's the big deal? On second thought, I came to the following conclusion -- The first rejection, especially coming after just under 2 weeks of submitting the application, basically said "you're sooooo not right for the job." This second letter adds to the first by saying also "We hate your face."
Sheesh. Why do I suddenly feel like Billy Madison in this scene?:
I think I gave myself the most epic facepalm when I read this. "We invite you to log on to apply for other job opportunities?" ARGH.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the mention, btw.