Monday, August 31, 2009

Our Trip to San Antonio

We visited Jac's cousins (one was taking in some training at the hospital and the other was visiting San Antonio) for a weekend of hilarity. Below are some pictures.

The view of a famous San Antonio hotel from the River Walk tour.

Our River Walk tour guide...I think he looks like a friend's husband...

Looks like a wall, don't it?

Ah, the hat trying on-ing...doesn't Jac look like a random passer-by in the picture on the left?

Hey, I WAS there!

Delicious Italian-style Ice Cream (gelato).


Doesn't that shadow look like Katie's carrying a severed head?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I don't know why

But I think this commercial is too funny. It's absurd in so many ways but hilarious.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Our First Mac

...still love my PCs, but it was time to start using a Mac, too. It's a little large.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Best Video this week...

...I'm in a commercial! At least my namesake.

Went Golfing Today

And played my first full round. Riverside Golf Course in Austin, Texas.

We won't talk about the final score, but let's say it was over 100.

But, it felt great! I hit some good shots and got a feel for the course. I'm hoping to be shooting below 100 soon.

Can't wait to go back out there.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Great News!

The Dallas Wind Symphony picked my brass fanfare, Foozle, for the 2009-2010 season!

If you don't know what "foozle" means, google it...

Monday, August 10, 2009

Golf... not meant to be played by human beings. I hack away at this tiny little ball in hopes that it goes a particular distance to go into a tiny little hole. It's expensive, it's picky, and you can never beat the course.

But I'm hooked! Argh!!! Now I can see why people love/hate this game so much. You just keep coming back. The course just mocks you every time, even when you do well. It's the voice of Gilbert Godfrey (the AFLAC duck...or is it a goose?) telling you how much cooler he is than you while also telling "Yo' Mama" jokes. Really bad ones. It just grates at you and humiliates you.

At least for today, I give up. This game is just too damn hard. It's just not possible. No human can play this game.

Except for Tiger Woods. But he's a freak.

Ahhhhh! I'm hooked.

GOLF: I'll be back.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

More Pics from SYS-CMW 2009

The awesome Tatman Twins!!!

Claire was great coaching the group...I was just along for the ride!:

Just Coaches...