Thursday, January 20, 2011

First week of my last semester

It's about time. I was starting to become the music grad school equivalent of this guy:

Except for everything that made that movie a raunchy flick. So instead of unlimited boos, sex, and drunken parties, replace with unlimited papers to grade, the need for boos, and late nights writing music and grading papers. Who'd watch that movie? (did I mention grading papers?)

Still need to get into a groove, but have now taught 2 of the orchestration courses for the semester. It's strange lecturing on something other than theory, but at least I know it already.

But...I still don't have my materials! CD, Textbook, and workbook still hasn't arrived, but finally will on Monday. Luckily, I was able to procure a textbook and things for the first week and create the syllabus with little trouble.

Ah, the joys of academia.

Here's to a great last semester in school. EVER.

1 comment:

  1. oh god. just when i think you can't get nerdier: it's booze, not boos. booze.
